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Old 20-03-2006, 09:49 PM   #1
f6 typhoon
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Default cd player lights blown

the lights in the cd player are busted numer 1 to 6 and other buttons and blown aswell how do i fix this problem any help would be appreciated

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Old 21-03-2006, 09:54 AM   #2
Fantastic Plastic
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I havent pulled 1 of these headunits apart or even seen 1 before . If you are on about like the AU premium headset ( 6 stacker ) and if the 'lcd' display showing what cd you are using is malfunctioning ( usually the lcd shows disk 1 to 6 ).. if this is the case then there isnt much u can do about it yourself , lcd's are not really something you can fix yourself at home without a real good understanding of electronics , usually lcd's require replacing/ although in some cases they can be fixed.
If you are on about the lights on the buttons i'de assume its either l.e.d's behind each button ( which can be replaced no worries and easilly ) , or it will probably be 1 cathode lighting all the buttons ( same again , can be changed/fixed easilly ) .
If you were to remove a old blown L.E.D and take it to Dicksmiths or Jaycar or somewhere like that , im sure they would be able to sort you out with compatible L.E.D's you can use , u'de probably have a choice of color too ! . If buttons aren't working then it could be as small a problem as burnt contacts a bit in the buttons or dust in the buttons , if you pull it apart , get some contact cleaner and generouslly spray into any gaps on/around the button/switches if you can't take them apart to clean them out /spray inside the buttons. gl .

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Old 21-03-2006, 09:55 AM   #3
Fantastic Plastic
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sorry was thinking BA headunit for some reason ..lol , why i said i never even seen them before really ( well i have but did't really look at it or use it ) ... but all the above u can try for the AU series headset anyway ..

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