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Old 19-02-2006, 02:39 PM   #61
krunch krunch hsv 4 lunch
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Originally Posted by Bucknaked
I'll give ya 50 bucks for your car. Claim the loss on your taxes :

I'm gonna hangon on to my car for a while. It will get to a point where it's true value is how reliable to car has been to me. We all lose money on cars. Unless they are classics or collectables like the cars of old, we will never see our money again. Maybe this is why most people either lease a car, or they just drive it in the ground.
well there's an old saying that I now live by considering I've still got my EB,"I don't lose if I don't sell" and considering how much money it's had put into it, there's no way I'm gonna give it away.
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Old 19-02-2006, 03:13 PM   #62
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I noticed this recently when looking at the XR6T Utes, they're still much cheaper than new. Good for me buying the newer model, but at the same time bad for me selling my AU.

i sort of relate it to the pc industry, where there is probably a greater percentage of depreciation, but less total value.
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Old 19-03-2006, 09:13 AM   #63
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I paid $10k on the nose for my 2000 Fairmont Ghia VCT in liquid silver with 70k kms last July - bargain or what?

Ok I fee up - I bought it off my company who sell their co.cars off to employees cheaply.

Its a nice feeling when you beat the car dealer system though!
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Old 19-03-2006, 02:16 PM   #64
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Having only just purchased my AUII and being the first Ford I've ever owned I was very grateful for the lower resale value, otherwise this absolutely respectable car would have been out of my reach. I think it is excellent value for money and the well looked after ones are going to be the well sort-after ones of the future.
I really think the AU is an undiscovered secret in the buyers' market and represents excellent value for money, regardless of whether it's a first car or an upgrade.
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Old 20-03-2006, 02:33 AM   #65
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I brought an AU2 Ghia fully optioned, LSD etc for 13k with a years reg and on the road in dec 05.

The car is mint as, 151km's former ford exec car.

The reason is that people are getting scared of high fuel prices, look at the re sale of astras, corollas, they are doing really well.

At the end of the day, all cars will lose money. My ED futura cost 32 ish when new, now you can't get rid of it for 2k (sitting on the lawn). but its served the family for 11 years.
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Old 20-03-2006, 07:53 AM   #66
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I've seen a lot of VY1 SS's for under $25,000 with lowish Ks (40,000) .. so my VY1 SV8 with 100,000 is probably worth well under twenty? Cars are (comparitively) cheap these days .. unfortunately AUs are cheaper than most 'cos of their image and Fords efforts at flooding the coropate market with cheap AUs when they were new.
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Old 20-03-2006, 07:57 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by OzJavelin
I've seen a lot of VY1 SS's for under $25,000 with lowish Ks (40,000) .. so my VY1 SV8 with 100,000 is probably worth well under twenty? Cars are (comparitively) cheap these days .. unfortunately AUs are cheaper than most 'cos of their image and Fords efforts at flooding the coropate market with cheap AUs when they were new.
A guy at work had an SS. Its the model just before the headlight and tailight changed. Somewhere around 2001 I think. Anyway, Nice car, Black fairly stocl. he traded it in on one of the last Mondato's. CV8z. Anyway, best he could get was $16,000
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Old 20-03-2006, 11:44 PM   #68
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This is a few years back, but I had a VX Berlina wagon with a Gen 3. Paid 34 for it which at the time was a very good price, and a year later after I'd had enough of the lack of reliability we had to offload it to a dealer at 22500 because we could not sell it privately at any price!

It makes me feel much better though that that exact same POS car is still sitting at the same dealer, and they can't sell it either!!

As I've seen it written elsewhere in these forums, "Holden means a great deal to Korea!"
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Old 21-03-2006, 12:34 AM   #69
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I personally love the AU. I just wanted something cheaper AU3 forte to lessen my loan. No interest in the te50 so it looks like I'm stuck with it. BOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I need to drive around a tarted up taxi fo the next 4 years (sarcasm). This car is unreal just can't wipe the smile off my face .

Only hate the unwanted attention it gets from certain members of the community. I bought the car to drive quickly if I wanted aesethics I would have bought a HSV.
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Old 21-03-2006, 01:57 PM   #70
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It looks like I have to keep my Ford for a a couple of years to, trade-in values are just so low that whatever I get for it will only pay off the car loan, if I wait for a year hopefully the prices will have stablilised so that I can get something for it. Until then I'll just enjoy driving the I6 to work and back and take the V8 for weekend drives..
A Foot In Both Camps......

All Go.......VXSS.....380bhp

All Show...2001 AU2 SR...210bhp...SOLD!
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