Originally Posted by ED Classic
In this case with your hypothetical Roo {even leaving out all the other hypotheticals excuses youve added to this tread that didnt happen in the original post such as classic cars,etc} Why wouldnt you move over or wave them on etc and let them go and show a bit of courtesy if they want to get past you? Every post you have made is some crap hypothetical that didnt happen or what youd do which again reverts to the ignorance of its all about you and what youd do and whats best for you rather than everyone...There are other drivers on the road if you dont want to do the limit for any reason {Car,Roo,Classic Car etc} then respect others and move/pull over wouldnt you agree? Youd have your work cut out leaving people on the ground d in the city and drove so ignorant.
Hypothettical roo hey, that's a good one, the fact remain's mate that anything can and does happen, obvoiuosly you think you are invinceable and when your on the road nothing can happen, and you haven't read the post's from the begining have you, no it show's,, If I didn't want to do the speed limit for any reason I'd hope that the driver's following me would show some common sense and pass me carefully when safe to do so, like you say respect the other user's, and if you think it's all about about me, than why is it that people like you get so annoyed with people on our public road's driving under the limit and thus getting involved in road rage because that's how it happen's, people that are allway's in a rush, tailgatting, speedding, the people that seem to think it's their road.