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Old 31-08-2010, 09:19 PM   #1
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Default WB festiva engine issues

Evening all,

My mates festiva is having a few problems with his festiva....when you brake relativley hard, the oil light comes on then goes off when the g forces return to normal. Then in the engine bay there is oil all over the transaxle (more appeard over the past week)...and checking the oil via dipstick works when it wants to and doesnt seem accurate (somtimes doesnt show any, somtimes shows full.) Now as of today there is a loud ticking sound coming from the engine bay that speeds up with the revs.

So, does he need to fill up the oil? But oil light should remain on if its that low? And the ticking, the lifters? oil related perhaps?

Any thoughts are appreciated as im not to sure, im probobly completely wrong anyways Also the car has 170xxx kms on it. (is the car dieing?)


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Old 01-09-2010, 01:21 AM   #2
Starter Motor
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Dont trust the oil light alone. Check the oil when cold. Also buy a box of matches.
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Old 01-09-2010, 05:57 AM   #3
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Festivas are notorious for rocker cover leaks.
Depends when you are checking the oil, just after driving or before?
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Old 01-09-2010, 09:25 AM   #4
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haha box of matches...yeh checked it after moving the car off the street and into the backyard of his place, other times checked after driving, and also at a servo.
Theres no particular reading inbetween them, still working when it wants to. Il get him to check it before moving the car when its cold.
Also remembered there was a bit of white smoke (as far as i could see) one night coming out the front, stopped the engine and took a look. Only oddity was the oil all over the place which was already there. Hasent done it again since.
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