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Old 15-08-2005, 12:26 AM   #1
Silhouette AU1 TS50.
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Default New members, and selling stuff.

Is there a rule for new members, or specifically their post count... and them selling cars, or car parts on this forum? Is there a difference in that rule if it's a car, or a car part?

I ask as a thread was deleted on a member who had linked his car that's for sale on eBay, but his/her post count was 2. One post was to sell his XD ute, and the other was a link to his auction on eBay for his TS50. So what if his post count was 2? If someone on the forum is looking to buy a car that this person is selling, wouldn't it be a good idea to just let it be? I can understand if someone had a post count of 15-20, and all were to sell cars (or other), that's a bit much, but 2 posts??

Yet I see new members joining the forum just to sell car parts, and non car parts, but their threads are let be. I see no problems with either. Please dont let this forum turn into the communist society as the .com site was/is, where you had to have a post count of 50+ (I think), before you could sell something on the forum.

Interested to hear admin's, mod's and members opinion on this.

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Old 15-08-2005, 12:55 AM   #2
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Funnily enough I was only thinking about this tonight.

In theory I think having a require post minimum before you can sell is a good idea, but then again when it was on the old forum, there were newbies just literally posting "post" in a thread so they could get their post numbers up in order to become eligible to use the forum.

One other option was to have all for sale posts OK'd by a mod before they were displayed but that would take a lot of time and is really an unncessary step IMHO.

Ebay links are something that are sometimes difficult but the general rule of thumb is that they are deleted, mainly because as said, people join up simply to advertise the link. Its judged on a case by case basis but 99% of them are deleted. As far as I'm concerned, if you can take the time to put it on Ebay, you can take the time to list a little information about the car/part in the post you put here too. We're not here to be an advertising medium for Ebay.

If people can follow some basic guidelines when posting (and replying) in the for sale forum, things should go smoothly. Ive put up a sticky thread about thgese guidleines in the For Sale Forum, and as with any other issue - if in doubt - just ask. I've begun deleting unncessary chatter in for sale posts because it only makes the post longer and means more searching for genuine buyers to find info on the item for sale.

Likewise if there's something in the For Sale Forums (or any other forum) that you as a member are concerned about, use the "report post" button - that brings it to the attention of the mods if they havent seen it yet.
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Last edited by b2tf; 15-08-2005 at 01:03 AM.
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Old 15-08-2005, 12:45 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by back2thefutura
Ebay links are something that are sometimes difficult but the general rule of thumb is that they are deleted, mainly because as said, people join up simply to advertise the link. Its judged on a case by case basis but 99% of them are deleted. As far as I'm concerned, if you can take the time to put it on Ebay, you can take the time to list a little information about the car/part in the post you put here too. We're not here to be an advertising medium for Ebay.
I agree with you there b2tf. But maybe that percentage could be dropped to 90%. As you said, case by case basis, and both cars for sale by this member were tops.

I didn't realize the member in question was a dealer. How did we come to this conclusion? Was it because there was a car showroom in the background in the pic's? Do we know for sure? Maybe he used the car yard just for the photos? But even then, the case by case basis could be, or could've been adapted to both those sales? Very good quality cars were on offer. One XD ute of show quality, exeptional from what I saw in the photos, and with a price of $15'000.. it would have to be. And one TS50, that was the very first T-series ever produced, and owned by Australian of the year at the time, and former test cricket captain, Mark Taylor. A true collectors item. Would've been great if one, or both of those vehicles were to be bought by a forum member. It's not as if both cars were hacks, just being offloaded by a dealer.

So these threads were deleted because the member could be a potential car dealer? And one thread was just a link to a sale on eBay? Not according to site TAC. If so, fair enough. I'm 90% convinced that the moderator(s) did the right thing then, but there's still that 10% that says the 2 posts should've stayed.. :voldar02:.
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Old 15-08-2005, 12:53 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by 012
I didn't realize the member in question was a dealer. How did we come to this conclusion?
In the one for the XD Ute, it said that it was a dealer sale. And we haven't heard squat from him since.
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Old 15-08-2005, 01:28 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by AUII_SE_Ute
In the one for the XD Ute, it said that it was a dealer sale. And we haven't heard squat from him since.
Oops.. must've missed that, cheers.
"People can have the Model T in any colour.. so long as it's black." HENRY FORD (30/07/1863 - 07/04/1947)

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Old 15-08-2005, 03:00 PM   #6
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012, in the ads for the vehicles (the carsales links) they were listed as being sold by a dealer. Thats how we concluded it was a dealer selling them, and therefore the policy of deleting them stands.
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Old 15-08-2005, 01:08 AM   #7
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Yes a minimum post count is a good idea some other forums have this.
But then you have created another problem, the new user goes into every thread posts 10 times with some off topic rubbish, just so they can use the for sale forums.

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Old 15-08-2005, 07:36 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by 012
Is there a rule for new members, or specifically their post count... and them selling cars, or car parts on this forum? Is there a difference in that rule if it's a car, or a car part?

I ask as a thread was deleted on a member who had linked his car that's for sale on eBay, but his/her post count was 2. One post was to sell his XD ute, and the other was a link to his auction on eBay for his TS50. So what if his post count was 2? If someone on the forum is looking to buy a car that this person is selling, wouldn't it be a good idea to just let it be? I can understand if someone had a post count of 15-20, and all were to sell cars (or other), that's a bit much, but 2 posts??

Yet I see new members joining the forum just to sell car parts, and non car parts, but their threads are let be. I see no problems with either. Please dont let this forum turn into the communist society as the .com site was/is, where you had to have a post count of 50+ (I think), before you could sell something on the forum.

Interested to hear admin's, mod's and members opinion on this.
The TS50 for sale thread was deleted by me. It was a "dealer" sale on ebay. Regardless of postcount the advertising of cars for sale from dealers is a no-no on this site. If it had been a private sale it would not have been touched (so long as the general guidelines of the forsale section were also adheared too).
Hope this explains why this one was removed.
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Old 15-08-2005, 07:48 AM   #9
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We don't mind *that* much if people have a low post count but any commercial entity or someone who posts for them will result in the thread being removed. We don't allow free advertising for commercial concerns, if we did, the For Sale area would be full of spam.
If a business wants to advertise on the site, they are welcome to approach us about sponsorship.
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Old 15-08-2005, 09:58 AM   #10
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I would say using the length of time someone has been registered rather than having atleast 20 posts etc before they can sell anything. And definately no dealers/ businesses unless they're sponsors.
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Old 15-08-2005, 10:20 AM   #11
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yeah I agree with the post count, but with that TS50 case, it was/is a pretty rare car so when things like that pop up it would be good if a forum member could know about the vehicles existance.

But it is very annoying to have people join up just to flog off a car or parts.
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Old 15-08-2005, 10:26 AM   #12
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When I saw both of the ads he had, I actually told him what I thought, post count of 2, and 2 cars for sale.
It was quite obvious he was a dealer, and as far as I am concerned, if they have nothing to offer members on here, with knowledge, ideas, or just general thoughts, why should they advertise for free.
And as for members finding rare cars, I am sure that if they wanted to find these cars for sale, a quick search on Google would have found them anyway.

Its just another rich basturd trying to get something for nothing.
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Old 15-08-2005, 05:06 PM   #13
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Valid points 012

However, if you are truely interested in purchasing a car a search of ebay and trading posts etc should be part of your pre enquiries

I personally dont like 2 post wonders who do not contribute to the forums, but in saying that there will be no minimum post count implemented.

There are several moderators, one being Back2thefutura of the for sale area, it will be his call on how they are managed
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Old 15-08-2005, 05:20 PM   #14
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Maybe a FOR SALE spec sheet, that you have to fill out and have ok'd by one of the admins before it gets put up on the forums?

like what Casper has on aufalcon...
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