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Old 11-07-2024, 06:49 PM   #10
FG XR6 Ute & Sedan
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Default Re: Weller Soldering Iron Cable

I've moved to using a relatively cheap pencil type USB rechargeable solder iron for in cabin car soldering; this one in fact: being able to screw the cap back on when not in use increases safety and there is no cord to get in the way. I have had no issues with it so far and it's done everything I needed. Inspired by how well it worked I also bought one of these temperature controlled ones for just a few dollars more but I have not used it yet,

I was tempted to try one after seeing some of David Jone's EEVblog videos:

regards Blue

Last edited by aussiblue; 11-07-2024 at 07:02 PM.
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