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Paddy71 09-09-2007 08:48 PM

FPV & XR Owners Club of ACT - 2007 Annual Show n' Shine

FPV & XR Owners Club Show n' Shine: Open to all Fords only
Date: 25th November 2007
Venue: John Knight Memorial Park, Belconnen ACT

Dear Fellow Ford Owners & Enthusiasts,

The FPV & XR Owners Club of ACT would like to personally invite you to the clubs 2007 Show n' Shine.

Once again, this years show will be run in conjuction with Marques in the Park', an event open to all makes and models including motorbikes, drag cars and hotrods. The combined show in previous years has displayed in excess of 450 vehicles.

The FPV & XR Owners Club of ACT welcomes all Ford Motor Vehicles from all classes to our annual Show n' Shine, all vying for the numerous awards on offer. Also on the day there will be vendor's stands, competitions, and food stalls all to help keep the day action packed. Additionally the venue is only walking distance from Westfield Shopping centre and various Family food outlets.

Cost: $15 per car.
Times: 8.30am - 3.00pm approx

The cost of the show will register your car to be in the running for various trophies and prizes. Trophy categories will be available on the day of the show.

Here's a link which will take you to entry details and forms;

Cut off date for entries is 9th November

For details on accommodation options in Canberra check out; or use their toll free number 1800 626 822

For any other queries or questions email;

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