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Whitey-AMG 06-02-2014 12:41 PM

Braided brake lines - BFGT

What are the options to upgrade to a front and rear set of braided brake lines for a 2006 FPV BFGT
Car has 4 pot brembos front and rear.
What brand are the lines ( what brands do you recommend )
Are they plug and play with all brackets supplied and fit up as per factory fittings.
Are they ADR approved
PM me for price please.

FLOORED 07-02-2014 05:13 PM

Re: Braided brake lines - BFGT

Originally Posted by ESP (Post 5014023)

What are the options to upgrade to a front and rear set of braided brake lines for a 2006 FPV BFGT
Car has 4 pot brembos front and rear.
What brand are the lines ( what brands do you recommend )
Are they plug and play with all brackets supplied and fit up as per factory fittings.
Are they ADR approved
PM me for price please.

We use the goodridge lines and they have barbed fittings unlike some competitors ones and these are what we recommend and will cost you $296 delivered and all parts suppplied except the pop rivets needed for the rear hose bracket. Yes they are ADR approved we use goodridge barbed fittings as mentioned and they are little different to the hose ends you see on other brands but stronger and still fit up. I have been been making these hoses for years and they are excellent for street or track applications.

sbutler 07-02-2014 06:14 PM

Re: Braided brake lines - BFGT
If it has Brembo's it should have braided lines as standard.???

Whitey-AMG 08-02-2014 08:54 AM

Re: Braided brake lines - BFGT

Originally Posted by sbutler (Post 5015328)
If it has Brembo's it should have braided lines as standard.???

only BAGTP had factory standard braided lines.
BFGT and BFGTP got standard rubber hoses albeit with a spring sleeve.
seems FPV thought we all like that spongy feel after a good thrash so they deleted the braid on BF and FG.

Wolfinsheepsclothing 09-02-2014 06:52 AM

Re: Braided brake lines - BFGT
fg fpv's also still don't have braided lines :conf

Shonky. 09-02-2014 12:07 PM

Re: Braided brake lines - BFGT
ESP, did your car have 4 pot Brembos on the back from factory, or did you put them on?

Mechan1k 13-04-2014 04:49 PM

Re: Braided brake lines - BFGT
Can attest to the Goodridge lines.
Had them put on my Territory not long after purchase (due to recall failure issues ... plus my family being in the car).

Have had them on the Territory now for about 9 years ... brake pedal feel is still awesome. If you haven't done this ... it is worth every cent. Even moreso in a Performance car.

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